Psychology, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy for neurodiverse individuals and their families since 2004

Welcome to Minds & Hearts

About Us

At Minds & Hearts, we provide professional support and assistance for individuals living with neurodiverse conditions, through our allied health disciplines. These include Psychology, Speech, and Occupational Therapy services.

We also share our extensive expertise in the area of neurodiversity to encourage professionals, parents and people alike, via our Blog and our Resources to Help – making relevant information, tools and resources readily available to you today.

Because, together, we journey towards Love with Excellence.

Psychological Therapy

Speech Therapy

Occupational Therapy


Training and Education

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Minds & Hearts is not a crisis service.

In an emergency situation please call 000 or present to the emergency department of your local hospital.

From the Minds & Heart’s Blog

Neurodiversity: Your Brain and its Melody!

By Dr Wes Turner – Clinical Psychologist / Clinic Director Welcome to a fascinating journey through the symphony of your brain! Think of your mind as an orchestra, with each section representing different brain functions working together under the guidance of...

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Group Therapy at Minds & Hearts

Minds & Hearts’ group therapy programs are designed to help individuals build social-emotional skills, enhance relationships, and manage challenges related to neurodivergence. These evidence-based programs cater to children, adolescents, and adults. Our groups are...

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Ready to get started?

Feel free to contact us, book an appointment and start your journey with Minds & Hearts NOW